Kapchorwa Woman MP ask Gov’t to re-open Hospital for normal services

Kapchorwa District Hospital is not providing all services that it should but only handling the maternity ward and emergency services.

Hajat.Rukiya Chekamondo Kapchworwa District Woman MP Addressing Parliament about the closure of Kapchorwa Hospital. Parliament Photo.

By Parliament/The Homeland Media Team

Kapchorwa District Woman Representative, Rukiya Chekamondo has called upon government to consider re-opening of Kapchorwa Hospital which is now understaffed and partially closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and ensure its smooth running to help community get healthcare services.

Addressing parliament on a matter of national Importance during a plenary sitting on Tuesday 29th  chaired by Speaker Rebecca Kadaga,  Chekamondo told MPs that, Kapchorwa Hospital serves over five districts with an overwhelming number of patients and yet the government has not provide the staff with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

“COVID19 cases from Kapchorwa stand at 73 and most of these are the medical staff leaving the facility understaffed.

Chekamondo said that, the hospital does not have an ambulance which can be used in case of emergencies and asked Government to intervene in that matter.

 ‘I urge government to provide more PPEs for the staff so that the rest of the hospital can be opened and the citizens receive treatment,” Chekamondo said.

Rukiya Chekamondo added that since the hospital serves many districts it should be upgraded to a referral hospital in the sub-region so that it adequately serves the patients.

The State Minister of Health, Hon. Joyce Moriku said that the Ministry is working to ensure that Kapchorwa Hospital resumes normal services.
“Kapchorwa District Hospital is not providing all services that it should but only handling the maternity ward and emergency services.

Many health workers were found with the coronavirus and two of them passed on. With this, the hospital could not resume normal services,” she said.

Moriku added that the hospital will soon be fumigated and staff will be arranged and redeployed so that they resume normal services.
“The ministry is working to ensure that next week, they are able to resume normally.  PPEs will be provided to the staff and sanitization of the communities is done,” Moriku added.


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