2022 UCE Results: Boys Outshine Girls Again

According to Odongo, a total of 329,939 candidates passed UCE exams in 2022 compared to the 311,233 who passed the previous year.


By Aliga Isa

The Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results released by UNEB have indicated that boys have once again outshined their female counterparts.

The UNEB Executive Director, Dan Odongo said there was an improvement in performance in the large entry subjects except in Christian Religious Education, Biology, and Commerce.

According to Odongo, a total of 329,939 candidates passed UCE exams in 2022 compared to the 311,233 who passed the previous year.

“Mathematics showed better performance at the distinction level but declined overall. The English language improved at credit and overall pass levels but declined at the distinction level. Performance in Biology has continued to decline as seen in the last few years,” Odongo said.

“ Worth noting is that performance in Physics and Chemistry has improved, although the overall pass levels are still low. Over 40% of the candidates have not passed the two subjects.”

He said the for the first time, UNEB examined the Chinese Language in 2022 with a  total of 134 candidates sitting for the exams and 124 (92.5%) of them passed.

“The language is in addition to other major languages; French, German, Arabic, Latin and Kiswahili already being examined.”

The results indicate that 46,667 candidates representing 13.5% passed in division one, 76,745(22.2%) in division two, 88,690(25.7%) in division three, and 117,837 in division four.

The 2022 UCE exams also show that male candidates performed better than their female counterparts.

According to UNEB, 51 inmates sat for UCE exams at the examination center at Luzira prison and eight of these passed in division two, 16 in division three, 26 in division four and only one failed.



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