Cabinet Approves Proposed Enhanced Pay for Scientists, Science Teachers

“I would like to tell you that Cabinet approved the proposed pay enhancement for scientists, health professionals, science teachers and scientists in public universities,” Baryomunsi said.

Dr. Chris Baryomunsi,Minister for Communication,Technology and National Guidance Addresses the Media in Kampala. PHOTO/THE HOMELAND MEDIA GROUP

By Nasser Kasozi Akandwanaho

Cabinet has approved the proposed enhanced pay for scientists, including all health professionals and science teachers.

This was revealed by Minister for ICT and cabinet spokesperson, Dr. Chris Baryomunsi while addressing the press at the Uganda Media Centre, Tuesday.

“I would like to tell you that Cabinet approved the proposed pay enhancement for scientists, health professionals, science teachers and scientists in public universities,” Baryomunsi said.

In June 2021, President Museveni met with doctors under their umbrella Uganda Medical Association (UMA) at the Entebbe State House, where he reiterated the government’s commitment to enhance salaries of medical practitioners and other scientists.

The president said then that his government was focused on developing Uganda using a science-led development strategy.

At the meeting, the president said that each of the doctors will get Shs. 5million as a starting salary from July, this year.

Presently, medical interns earn Shs 940,000 in gross salary, while a medical officer receives Shs. 3 million.

A senior consultant salary earns Shs. 7.3 million.

Other cabinet resolutions

Cabinet noted the progress made by Uganda in bidding to host the East Monetary Institute as a precursor to hosting the East African Central Bank.

Cabinet noted the strategic interventions geared towards the improvement of the level of broadband connectivity and affordability in the country.


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