NWSC To Address Water Scarcity in Kasese Municipality!

The municipality has been facing a scarcity of water for the past three months. The NWSC Manager for Kasese, Peter Ebwaat, is hopeful that the new water source will produce about 4 million litres daily of the minimum required 5 million litres for consumers in Kasese town and its surroundings.

Kasese municipality is one of the areas in Kasese district being affected by the problem considering the climatic changes in the district and most affected Geneder are Female mainly Preginat Mothers. COURTESY/PHOTO


KASESE DISTRICT-With the existing climate change scenario, the challenge of water scarcity continues to stress locals in various parts of Kasese district.

Kasese municipality is one of the areas in Kasese district being affected by the problem considering the climatic changes in the district.

One would think that during the wet season there is plenty of water due to the additional rainwater, but according to the regional manager Kasese for National Water and Sewerage Corporation Mr. Brian Ampire is an obstacle to the main stream as the dirt and debris doesn’t allow immediate consumption of the water.

Addressing the challenges the Executive director National water and sewerage corporation Uganda Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha noted with optimism that the challenge would be solved.

Whereas they tirelessly continue to provide service delivery transparency to their customers, Dr. Silver advised leaders to sensitize locals to have storage tanks for keeping water to use in times of no water on the taps.

Kasese Municipality and surrounding areas have identified River Kyanzutsu in Kasese District as an additional source of water to address water scarcity in Kasese Municipality and surrounding areas.

The municipality has been facing a scarcity of water for the past three months. The NWSC Manager for Kasese, Peter Ebwaat, is hopeful that the new water source will produce about 4 million litres daily of the minimum required 5 million litres for consumers in Kasese town and its surroundings.

These challenges are visibly costing residents, forcing them to trek long distances in search for water which perhaps is unclean water.

Tobia Katushabe is one of those who expressed her feelings towards the scarcity of water, saying they move almost everywhere in search for water.

Ebwaat attributes the water shortage to the severe dry spell that has seen a sharp fall in water volumes in major rivers.

Ebwati says that the water supply has been reduced by nearly half from 3700 cubic metres in the last three months to less than 2400 cubic metres per day. One cubic metre is equivalent to a thousand liters.

The NWSC has also put up interventions, including the construction of the Kasese-Kihalimu hill water reservoir and the construction of a booster station at Tamangalo in Kasese municipality.

Moses Kule, a resident of Kilembe quarter, says it has been about a month since the area has experienced unstable water supply with water mainly coming at night while the taps remain dry during the day.

He says that the inconsistencies in the water supply have caused the price of water to shoot up to between 800 and 1,200 shillings for a 20-liter jerrican, which most people cannot afford.

Since the scarcity of water, it is now common to find people, especially women and children, queuing up in the middle of the night to fetch water in areas of Kilembe quarters, Habitant, Mumbuzi, Nyakasanga, Kisanga, and Acholi Quarters, among others.



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