In fulfilling its mandate, National Water and Sewerage Corporation promotes an integrated approach in a way that is sustainable and most beneficial to all urban communities regardless of their socio-economic status. Despite the commercial orientation of its operation the Corporation has a social mission to fulfill in line with government objective of increasing safe water coverage to the entire population.
For that reason, NWSC’s call to serve the poor by formulating a policy focused on serving the Urban Poor communities, was inevitable. The main objective of the policy is to provide guidelines in the implementation of sustainable provision of service to the urban poor (planning and operationalization).
The Urban Poor are by virtue of their socio-economic background, lives in the water supply areas characterized by depriving aspects of life conditions such as; mode of income and subsistence, settlement and environment, lack of basic necessities, lack of social services, and more so access to clean and safe water. Poor households do not own any land and they are squatters on land owned by others. As a result, they live in unplanned congested or clustered informal settlements. (Crowding index of 0.25 to 14 people). Their habitat environment is eminently unhealthy with poor sanitation.
The Urban Poor are by virtue of their socio-economic background, lives in the water supply areas characterized by depriving aspects of life conditions such as; mode of income and subsistence, settlement and environment, lack of basic necessities, lack of social services, and more so access to clean and safe water. Poor households do not own any land and they are squatters on land owned by others. As a result, they live in unplanned congested or clustered informal settlements. (Crowding index of 0.25 to 14 people). Their habitat environment is eminently unhealthy with poor sanitation.