Unity Week calls for Muslims to embrace love and kindness for all humanity

Without love and kindness, Islam l would not exist.  Muhammad Hassan Wazir, the Pakistani High Commissioner urged Muslims to emulate the legacy of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who he showed love and kindness to all people.



The Muslim community celebrated the Unity Week conference at Al-Mustafa Islamic College, Kyengera. Earlier this week, Dr. Rouhollah Dehghani, the principal of the College urged scholars to prioritize common values that bring them together.
“We should not focus on things that bring disunity in our nation,” Dr. Rouhollah said earlier this week at the conference. “We should harness the core values of love and forgiveness that unite all human races.”
Dr. Rouhollah appreciated the government of Uganda for fighting against foreign Cultural invasion through the media and cyberspace, in that way keeping the sanctity of family, culture, and religions intact. He therefore urged people to uphold what the government fought for.
In addition, Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran revealed that the Islamic Unity Week celebrates the legacy of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He said that the week spreads the message of peace, empathy, and friendship of the true followers of Prophet Mohammadi Islam (PBUH), and the manifestation of the unity of Muslims.
On the other hand, Dr. Wardah Rajab Gyagenda, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of academics, at Kampala University appealed to women to build strong families through respecting their husbands.
She noted that as women, they’re supposed to love their husbands unconditionally, establishing good and exemplary relationships with neighbors, and friends regardless of their respective backgrounds.
Without love and kindness, Islam l would not exist.  Muhammad Hassan Wazir, the Pakistani High Commissioner urged Muslims to emulate the legacy of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who he showed love and kindness to all people.
Wazir urged people to keep away from speaking evil and unsolicited information in order to avoid sinning against society and Allah.
The Syrian Honorary Consul, Dr. Tamouh Moustafa, noted that the holy prophet made brotherhood with different communities. He said that money and other material gains should not cause divisions and fights among believers yet they have one holy Quran, one Kaaba and Kibrah.
Although Islam is a peaceful religion, some people have turned it otherwise. Ayatollah Reza Ramazani, the Secretary General of Ahlulbayt World Assembly appealed to Muslims to stop radicalism and extremism which is designed to undermine Islam and marginalize Muslims in the world.



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