Did You Know that Marriage is not about Sex?

If you feel you are not ready to commit to another human being, know this, there is no age limit to marriage. Take your time and have all the fun you want. But when you say I DO to someone’s child, you better do.

You must know that you will have to wake up before he does to make sure that breakfast is set on the table by the time he steps out of the bedroom. His clothes, from boxers to shoes, are ready for the day.

By Aunt Hommy

Dear Readers of The Homeland Newspaper, Marriage is not a joke. One can’t get married just to tick off a box on a to-do list. It can’t be watered down to that. Today, we take on marriage just to get over with it.

At this rate, everyone knows someone who got married, and before a month, they are having real issues. And I mean from infidelity to not wanting to have kids. And either to moving on to different bedrooms or even moving out of the marital home.

Imagine you get married, and the next thing your partner tells you, they are not ready to have babies. Or that they were still thinking about it.

Do we still have marriage counsellors in church and society? Should the Church make it compulsory to see a wedding therapist before you say I do?

Who gets married and is not ready to prepare a meal for their husband? Who gets married and expects to feed on take-out food till death do them apart?

As in you get married today and expect your husband to still do his laundry? As a wife, you must know that marriage is not a walk-through.

You must know that you will have to wake up before he does to make sure that breakfast is set on the table by the time he steps out of the bedroom. His clothes, from boxers to shoes, are ready for the day.

And to the men, if you have a woman who wakes up to do all these things, you must appreciate the effort. You do not tell her that you will have breakfast at work. No matter how shitty that breakfast is, you shall sit through it and tell her where to improve with all the love.

If she picks out something for you to wear, you must wear it. I don’t care if some part of you believes you are a better designer. She put in the effort, and you will politely ask her if you need to change anything.

The Bible says that a man shall provide for his family. Honey, that woman is your family. You picked her from her parents with all the love and promises. You better keep them.

Stop taking God for a ride. He is supreme, and you do not want to push Him to have to deal with you. Stop involving God in things that you don’t take seriously.

If you feel you are not ready to commit to another human being, know this, there is no age limit to marriage. Take your time and have all the fun you want. But when you say I DO to someone’s child, you better do.

There is no calendar for sex in marriage. Where did this even come from? If it is up, it will take you as a wife to calm it down. As a wife, you had better be wet for as long as he is in the vicinity.

And the same goes for the woman. As and when she wants, she shall have the best. Spread those legs of hers and give it to her good. That is also part of providing.

I repeat, for better for worse is not a pick-up line for you to continue living as if nothing has changed. It is a commitment for life, and God is involved.

Do not try to test God’s wrath by dragging him into a joke. If you are not ready, do not cross that line. And only you can know!

Until we meet Again, Remember not that every day is about sex……..Love and Romance are Key ingredients in marriage.



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