CCEDU’s Message on World Press Freedom Day 2019-Cryspin Kaheru


This year’s World Press Freedom Day theme speaks directly to Uganda’s current times.

The 2021 general election is approaching; and already, journalists are being targeted; in some cases harassed, attacked or restricted from doing their jobs.

Our journalists are working under critical conditions and in a stressful environment. Such a context makes it difficult for the media to ensure effective transparency and accountability during political processes including elections. 

The media needs both access to information and the freedom to freely and safely communicate that information. In Uganda, that space seems to be getting more and more constricted.

This is the moment for the media to decisively stand up for itself, fight fake news, disinformation and report fairly without fear or favour.  Whereas civil society reiterates its unwavering commitment to free press, the media itself is going to be its own savior.

I wish the entire media fraternity, a rewarding World Press Freedom Day, 2019.


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