Counter Terrorism Officers to Undergo Further Training to Better Combat Terror!

According the DIGP, the move is set to tighten security against the haters of peace such as the terrorist who attach less value to life.

The Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) Maj. Gen. Katsigazi Tumusiime. THE HOMELAND MEDIA GROUP/PHOTO

By Kaganda Ishaq

While on tour at the Counter Terrorism directorate in Naguru, the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) Maj. Gen. Katsigazi Tumusiime revealed that the government has plans to train all the officers of counter terrorism in order to equip them with more skills especially with the modern science and technology.

According the DIGP, the move is set to tighten security against the haters of peace such as the terrorist who attach less value to life.

The DIGP also stated that the training intends to polish and add on the capability of the counter terrorism officers to deal with death mongers who attack people without notice.

“We are going to train you more with the limited resources since it’s a matter of prioritizing. Now that we have peace, we can’t tell when these fellows (terrorists) will strike. We need to prepare for that in terms of training and equipment,” DIGP Katsigazi said.

He added that Counter Terrorism capabilities are very critical and with limited resources, the directorate has managed to deliver.

However, the DIGP did not reveal when the training is starting and ending.

DIGP Katsigazi also commended the officers of counter terrorism for the tremendous work done in securing the country mostly in the challenging moment of bombings of last year where culprits were arrested allowing for peace to prevail.

“You have done so much for this country and people out there appreciate it. You are doing a great job and we do appreciate it,” said DIGP Katsigazi.

Maj. Gen. Katsigazi pledged to construct more apartments in Kampala to cater for the officer’s accommodation and the same shall be implemented in different parts of the country.

The counter terrorism directorate is headed by AIGP Abasi Byakagaba and it’s the lead Ugandan law enforcement entity charged with investigating, disrupting and responding to terrorist incidents in Uganda.


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