General Soleimani: Champion of the Fight against International Terrorism!

Three years have passed since the assassination of Soleimani and the commanders of the Islamic resistance. Certainly, this crime did not go unanswered and the perpetrators of this inhumane crime should be tried and held accountable in the court of justice. Widespread popular reactions all over the world, as well as the reaction and announcement of the position of many well-known international political and legal personalities in condemning the criminal action of America in the assassination of Martyr Soleimani and his companions, clearly showed that America, above all, in the court of conscience Awake the world is doomed.


By The Cultural Counsel of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

January 3rd coincides with the third anniversary of the cowardly assassination of
General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of the Iraqi Hashd al-Shaabi, and their other high-ranking companions. An attack for which Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, officially took responsibility.

General Soleimani and his companions were attacked by American drones at dawn on January 3, 2020 (1398) as soon as they left the area of ​​Baghdad International Airport and were martyred.

The American terrorist attack on Martyr Soleimani and his companions, in addition
to being a violation of international law and human rights, is also an act of aggression against the sovereignty of the Iraqi government.

This criminal act of the American government has resulted in widespread reaction and condemnation at the official, unofficial, and public levels. For example, in his report, the special rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council explicitly declared the
the action of the United States to attack Soleimani and his companions was illegal.

Martyr Soleimani was the " hero of the fight against terrorism & quot; and a large part of his brilliant career at the regional level was in the field of fighting international

A terrorist attack on a person who is at the forefront of the fight against
international terrorism is a clear and practical example of the use of " double
standards & quot; and indicates the lies of those who claim to fight against terrorism.
The outstanding characteristics of Martyr Soleimani in terms of personal and human aspects, his capabilities in terms of military command and management, his extraordinary genius in the strategic field, and his role in peacemaking in the region, make him one of the most prominent and well-known military commanders in the world.

But despite the many distinguished features of this outstanding personality, perhaps the greatest feature of Martyr Soleimani is his continuous and effective support of the oppressed against the oppressor, standing against the world domination system led by the United States and its opposition to the Zionist regime.

Martyr Soleimani, with a practical commitment to authentic Islamic teachings and
values, considered the defense of the oppressed against the oppressor and support
of the movements of resistance against American rule and the occupation of the
Zionist regime to be his most important duty, and in this path, for him, nationality,
gender, ethnicity, and Religion did not matter.

Martyr Soleimani's effort to preserve the dignity of human beings regardless of race and religion and the practical implementation of international humanitarian law is exemplary, and there are many written and documented statements and evidence in this field.

Martyr Soleimani's role in supporting religious and racial minorities in Iraq and
Syria (including Yazidis and Christians) against the crimes of Takfiri groups is one
of the prominent examples of this moral and practical way of Martyr Soleimani in
supporting the oppressed against the oppressors.

General Soleimani is the hero of the fight against ISIS and Takfiri groups, as both friends and enemies admit, and he played the most key role in supporting the people of Iraq and Syria against the sinister flow of ISIS and preventing the two mentioned countries from falling into the hands of ISIS and Takfiri terrorists.

The decisive and concurrent role of General Soleimani in the two countries of Iraq
and Syria:Martyr Soleimani played a decisive role in the equations of the region
before his martyrdom and in the last decade of his life with his blessing, including:
– Preventing the collapse of the legitimate governments of Iraq and Syria and
preventing the disintegration of these two countries, which, if realized, could affect
the entire West Asian region.
direct field and operational fight against ISIS and international terrorists
– Supporting the people under attack by terrorists and providing assistance to the
besieged and displaced people Martyr Soleimani, on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran, was the first military commander in the world who, at the request of the governments of Syria and Iraq, reached the depths of dangerous fields and with his special military genius and the mobilization of all official and unofficial forces and volunteers, with unparalleled courage, The military machine of the Takfiri terrorists supported by America and Zionism was grounded and finally, with the liberation of Mosul, Iraq, it announced
the end of the evil caliphate of ISIS.

Martyr Soleimani's prayer was to create unity of action and field cohesion among
the defenders who came to the field to defend the territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria and prevent the formation of ISIS caliphate and to support the oppressed nations of the region. Undoubtedly, he did the greatest service to the nations and governments of the region and even the governments and nations of the extra the region, including Europe, and prevented the establishment of the evil caliphate of ISIS and the expansion of its sphere of influence and operations to the ends of the world. Martyr Soleimani, in a short but profound sentence, according to Ayatollah

Khamenei, the supreme political and religious leader of the Islamic Republic of
Iran was the " the international face of resistance;
General Soleimani was a “man of peace“; before he was a “man of war“; He was not a person, but a symbol of a school of thought that believed that the only way to prevent the dominance of America and Zionism over the fate of the governments and nations of the region is to unite them, so Martyr Soleimani attached strategic importance to the authority of the nations of the region.

From the point of view of the American government, with General Soleimani,
advancing the deal of the century and blowing the compromise process faced
serious obstacles, therefore the American government is not only the most
the prominent global face of the fight against international terrorism, but also the
mastermind of countering the occupation of the Zionist regime. Terrorized Islamic
and Arab countries.

The American government 's action in assassinating Soleimani and his martyrdom was not an action to eliminate a person, but an action to eliminate the secret and manifestation of anti-American-anti-Zionist thinking, and of course, committing such a crime is a strategic mistake along with dozens of other strategic mistakes by America in It was the region and the world.

Because with the assassination of Martyr Soleimani, his school and thinking will
not lose its permanence and dynamism, but now it has taken on more global

The passage of time and the confessions of some officials of the United States of
America showed that many terrorist and takfiri groups, including ISIS, were
created by the United States of America in order to change the strategic equations of the region, create a breathing space for the Zionist regime, and fuel bloody wars.
have been created in the Islamic world.

Such shameful actions naturally entail the international responsibility of the
American government and the authorities of that country, and must be
responsible for all the disasters and damages that have occurred as a result of these
actions in the region.

The criminal assassination of the generals and commanders of the fight against ISIS and terrorism in the region was actually revenge of the terrorists against these generals, which was carried out by the criminal Trump, the President of the United States at the time.

Despite Iraq and Syria passing through a difficult period of crisis and the failure of
the Daesh caliphate dream, unfortunately, takfiri, anti-human, terrorist ideas, and
overt and hidden support for these ideas has continued, and it is necessary for the world community to be vigilant against the spread of ideas and the re-establishment of this trend.

Takfiri thoughts and terrorism are a threat to international peace, stability, and security, and it is the duty of all members of the international community to fight against it. It is no secret that America has a destructive presence in the West Asian region and until this country withdraws its terrorist military forces from this region, stability and security will not be established.

Three years have passed since the assassination of Soleimani and the commanders of the Islamic resistance. Certainly, this crime did not go unanswered and the perpetrators of this inhumane crime should be tried and held accountable in the court of justice. Widespread popular reactions all over the world, as well as the reaction and announcement of the position of many well-known international political and legal personalities in condemning the criminal action of America in the assassination of Martyr Soleimani and his companions, clearly showed that America, above all, in the court of conscience Awake the world is doomed.

However, from an official point of view, the Islamic Republic of Iran will use all
it’s political, legal, and international capacities to pursue the perpetrators and
perpetrators of this horrible crime, and will never forget the right of the great
nation of Iran to avenge international criminals.


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