Here is the difference between Love & Lust save your relationship!

When a woman moves out with a married man, there’s no love. The involved pair should stop deceiving themselves that they love each other. No! You lust after each other.



Men read it 5 times. Women read it 3 times. Please Don’t ask why! This will save your relationship or marriage.

Love or Lust?

Lust is mortal, love is divine. Lust fills our eyes; love fills our hearts. Love is patient and kind. Love waits. Lust threatens and gives deadlines and ultimatums. If you don’t conceive, he walks out on you.

If you don’t have money, she walks out on you. When you can’t have sex after delivering your newborn, he gets involved in affairs. If you don’t overcome an addiction, she files for divorce. If he finds you nagging, he leaves you.

Love does not envy. Love does not boast. Love is not proud. Lust brags how he got you out of poverty. Lust swags how she earns more than you. A man full of lust boasts how other women are dying to have him.

A woman full of lust will move out with men for money. She lusts after a high-end lifestyle that she cannot afford at the moment. To satisfy her lusts, she doesn’t care whether the man is married or not.

When a woman moves out with a married man, there’s no love. The involved pair should stop deceiving themselves that they love each other. No! You lust after each other.

He lusts after her body and she lusts after his money or whatever. At times the lust is so much that the woman doesn’t care that the married man is her father’s age. When a man moves with a married woman, their combined lust shocks the devil.

Love does not dishonor others. Married woman, when another man sleeps with you, he does not love you, he dishonors you and your husband. Married man, the other woman who sleeps with you does not act in your best interest; she dishonors you and your wife.

Lust dishonors your marriage. Where lust is involved, your phone is never answered after the act of sin. Lust leaves you feeling used and misused.

Love is not self-seeking. Lust seeks self-interest. Where lust reigns, he doesn’t care your career progress. A man who loves you seeks your fulfillment in life. He wants you to pursue your purpose and fulfill your destiny. Lust leaves you hanging in bed.

A man who loves you seeks to satisfy you always. A woman who loves you submits to your love. One who uses you manipulates you in bed and frustrates your ambitions.

Love is not easily angered. Love forgives. Love pursues peace and reconciliation. Lust tears partner piece meal. Lust keeps a record of wrongs. Lust seeks to hurt.

Love does not focus on who is wrong but what is right. Love rejoices in truth. Love is transparent and accountable. Lust rejoices in evil, hate and failure. When a partner rejoices over your misfortunes, they never loved you in the first place.

Never be led by lust. Never allow lust to grow legs. Lust will destroy your job or business. Lust will cost your name and your life. Lust sins against your body and weakens your soul. But love conquers lust.

Love is stronger than lust. Love always protects. Love always trusts. Love always hopes. Love always perseveres. Love creates security and assurance. Love never fails. God is Love (1 John 4:8).


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