Jovan Luzinda in Child Neglect battles

“I am not the kind of person that would deny or neglect his child." Jovan

Musician Jovan Luzinda (Net photo)

By Shibah Nasali

A lady identified as Mirembe Claire, resident of Katosi, Mukono district is accusing singer Jovan Luzinda of impregnating her, denying the child a family name and abandoning her and the child without any form of support. “When I met Jovan, I was in my Senior four vacation. I met him back stage at a show when he had come to perform at Twin’s Motel in Katosi. He asked me for my phone number and told me that I have a good voice.” Claire alleges that after Jovan’s performance, he messaged her on Whatsapp and asked her to book a hotel room where they could meet later that night to talk about business and her singing career. “I booked a room of fifteen thousand. At around 1am he joined me in the room and asked me to sing for him which I did. We talked about business then started talking about love.” Claire narrates. “He told me to that he loved me and I should trust him so we ended up not using protection.”

Claire says that after that night, they kept in touch through Whatsapp and calls but after about two weeks, Jovan invited her to join him in Makindye. “He still asked me to book a hotel room in Makindye as he had a show to perform at. He kept in touch the whole evening and at about 1am, he joined me in the lodge. We spent the entire night together and he left at 6am.”

She alleges that after that night she went back to Katosi but they talked on phone and texted each other so often until she informed him that she could have conceived. “Jovan blocked me and even when I used my friend’s phone to call him, he hang-up as soon as he heard my voice.”

She recounts the hardships she went through during her pregnancy considering the fact that she was young, a first time mother who was a student and did not have money to take care of herself and the baby. She could only depend on her mother who was not doing so well either.

“I came to Makindye to meet a certain gentleman who offered to connect me to Jovan. I met him at Comrade Bar but Jovan failed to show up but making excuses. I eventually gave up and the gentleman offered me help inform of money to go back to Katosi and also occasionally helped me with money for upkeep. When I gave birth, my mother kept on supporting us. However, due to the child’s health that kept us in and out of hospital, my mother asked me to go and look for the father of my child.”

Claire says that she is now stranded in Makindye as she is being asked to leave the house she has been squatting in. “On the different occasions that I have met Jovan, he has knowing denied me claiming that I had mistaken him with other people.”

Her request now is for Jovan to accept the one year old baby boy, give him a name and also support them as they are suffering and depending on Claire’s mother for everything.

Speaking to Homeland News, Jovan denied all the allegations against him. He denied knowing Claire or ever having anything to do with her. “I am not the kind of person that would deny his child. I first saw Claire’s face appearing on Television to accusing me of deceiving and misleading her into sexual intercourse, making her pregnant and abandoning her. I encourage her take it slow and avoid falling for people who masquerade as big artists to commit such crimes. I think someone used my name to get his way with her.” Jovan further stresses that when he met with that Claire, at Jah Live studios in Makindye, she denied having met him anywhere in the past. “I was shocked to see her on Television stressing that it was indeed I that she met and got intimate with.”

Jovan has offered his blood; however much she could want to go for a DNA test but says that he is not ready to use his own money for any DNA tests because he is sure that is not his child but will rather refund Claire if the results come out positive.

He went ahead to encourage every woman with a child that he fathered to bring them to him. “I do not make music to impress or attract women. If they listen to my music and end up obsessing with me, that is not my problem”


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