The Lifestyle of Imam Hosseini

Referring to the life of Imam Hussain (a.s.) shows that the different dimensions of his life provide a kind of lifestyle for humans that can be practical in all times and places and always be presented as a suitable model. Imam Hussain (a.s.) is a perfect example and an all-round model for individual and social life; moral, religious and political methods.

Imam Hosseini's lifestyle


One of the important issues of our society today is the existence of different lifestyles that have caused problems in the society. Therefore, the need to create and introduce a suitable lifestyle to society and all human societies is very important.

Referring to the life of Imam Hussain (a.s.) shows that the different dimensions of his life provide a kind of lifestyle for humans that can be practical in all times and places and always be presented as a suitable model. Imam Hussain (a.s.) is a perfect example and an all-round model for individual and social life; moral, religious and political methods.

In the era of religious and cultural reconstruction, it is necessary to pay attention to the model dimensions of Imam Hussein (AS). He is a role model not only in Karbala and in the field of epic, jihad and martyrdom, but also in the fields of spirituality, ethics, socializing, politeness and honor, tahajjud (“night prayer”) and staying awake at night, generosity and chivalry, friendship with the Holy Quran and respect for human beings… and in One word: it is a model and standard in “Islamic lifestyle”. Here it is necessary to mention some parts of his lifestyle and guidelines that introduce us to a good religious life:

  1. Faith and belief in God: Imam Hussain (a.s.) had put his life on the basis of God-centeredness and did all his work for his pleasure. Even his sacrifice and martyrdom were for God. In the last moments of his life, he had a romantic whisper with his god. Based on this belief, Imam Hussain (AS) loved God and loved his prayers. He took the night of Ashura as a respite to devote himself to God and reciting the holy Qur’an, and finally, at the height of the battle of Ashura, he performed the “midday prayer of Ashura”.
  2. Dignity and freedom: Dignity and freedom means that a person knows his dignity and honor and does not submit to humiliation, and degradation. Also, don’t accept oppression, don’t be contaminated by the lowness of sin and don’t become a prisoner of the world. Maintaining this position requires efforts and sometimes one has to die for it in order to maintain dignity and freedom. Imam Hussain (a.s.) used to say: ‘’Death with honor is better than a humiliating life’’. In the scene of Karbala, which was a manifestation of dignity and freedom, Imam Hussain (AS) was given a choice between two things: either death and being killed, or humiliation and surrender. He accepted death with pride and drew a line of denial on the humble and humiliating life. He even said to the enemy troops who behaved unkindly: If you have no religion and not afraid of the Day of Resurrection, be free in your world.
  3. Courage: steadfastness in dealing with problems and hardships, as well as not being afraid of death and the enemy in battles, is a manifestation of courage. When Imam Hussain (a.s.) was going to Kufa, people were talking about the change in the situation in Kufa, the disloyalty of the people, the imprisonment of the ruler of Kufa, and the future dangers. But the Imam’s answer was that: My dignity and status is not that of someone who is afraid of death and he also said: I will not run away like slaves and I will not submit to humiliation. Imam Hussain (a.s.) maintained his spirit in the most difficult situations on the Day of Ashura and remained strong and proud.
  4. Patience and endurance: Patience has a special place in the lives of all prophets and divine saints. Someone can deal with internal and external pressures and be a fighter if he has the element of patience. In the event of Ashura, we are faced with the peak of this energizing attribute. When Imam Hussain (a.s.) started his movement, he considered the condition of accompanying people in this saga to be patience. He even invited his companions to be patient on the Day of Ashura and told them to persevere. Because death is a bridge that takes you from the suffering and hardship of this mortal world to the infinite expanse of heaven.
  5. Superior life: Imam Hussain (AS) had no attachment to this world. He saw the world in decline and destruction. He considered life with oppressors to be boring, and considered the choice of a person to be effective in the value of his life. He was never willing to give in to disgrace and considered death in the way of honor to be eternal life. Life in the shadow of jihad and martyrdom is the result of the life of those who understand their high human position and do not summarize life only in the limits of birth to death. Therefore, Imam Hussain (AS) is alive forever and guides talented people every day, and this is the concept of superior life.
  6. Superior choice: Man has a choice at every moment of his life, and these choices determine the happiness or misery of people. In human existence, there is reason and soul. The attraction of this world and the hereafter pull him here and there. Carnal or compassionate tendencies make a person superior to an angel or inferior to an animal. What is the choice of man? The scene of Ashura was chosen from the beginning to the end. Imam Hussain (a.s.) could have stayed in Medina and surrendered, but he chose to migrate to Mecca and Kufa. He could compromise with the Yazidi government, but he chose jihad and martyrdom. He could have gone from Makkah to any other city, but he chose Kufa. He could have thought about the prosperous life of this world for a few days, but he chose the hereafter and eternal happiness. When he heard about Muslim’s martyrdom and the dispersion of his companions in Kufa in the middle of the way, he could have returned, but he chose to continue on his way. When he was in Mecca, the ruler of Medina wanted to get a letter of protection for Imam Hussain (a.s.) from Yazid, but he did not submit to the humiliation of the oppressors.
  7. Fulfilling duty and acting on duty: One who wants to live in the style of Imam Hussain (a.s.) should be task-oriented and doing duty should be more important to him than anything else. He should not pay attention to anyone’s favor except for God’s pleasure, and nothing should force him to act except to fulfill his duty.
  8. Tuli and Tabari: Ashura uprising and Hosseini’s life are based on the slogan of monotheism, negation of other gods and proof of God. Imam Hussain (AS) was a clear manifestation of following this divine guidance and Quranic message. He was never willing to deal with tyrants, heretics, and opponents of the prophetic tradition and Alevi way of life and recognize them officially.
  9. Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is bad: His way and life was to order what is good and forbid what is bad. He considered Yazid to be the embodiment of all evildoers, he considered it his duty to fight him, and he considered swearing allegiance to that evildoer a sin. Ashura uprising was formed on this basis. Regarding the motivations of the uprising, the Holy Prophet said: I want to enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong, and I want to behave in the way of my grandfather, the Messenger of God, and my father, the Commander of the Faithful. Imam Hussain (AS) sacrificed his life to revive these two duties.
  10. Seeking justice: Social justice and respect for people’s rights are the obvious direction of justice from governments. One of the important weaknesses of the Umayyad government was their oppression and rebellion, and Imam Hussein (a.s.) made one of the goals of his rebellion to fight against the oppressive rule of the Umayyads. So the life of Imam Hussain (AS) was one of seeking justice and fighting against oppression.

God willing, may Almighty God grant us all the success to follow Imam Hussain’s (a.s.) life.

Source: Islamic Republic of Iran Cultural Consualte


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