CAF Club Licensing Workshop: Instructors arrive in Uganda

CAF Club Licensing Workshop: 22rd – 26th April 2019 At Sheraton Kampala Hotel

Five of the six CAF Club licensing instructors arrived in Uganda on Easter eve (Photo: FUFA Media)

Five of the six expected CAF instructors who will over see the club licensing workshop arrived in Uganda on Easter eve.

Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Mokhtar Harraz (Egypt), Sidat Muhammad Feizal (Mozambique), Dasoberi Emmanuel Newton (Ghana), Bosilong Kabelo Keorapetse Hubert (South Africa) and Middleby Robert David (Australia) were well received by the FUFA Protocol team before they checked in at Sheraton Kampala, the venue of the workshop.

The six instructor, Abubakar Salihu from Nigeria was expected on Easter day, alongside the first batch of delegates.

52 participants from 26 countries will attend the workshop that has been segmented into two groups over two periodical sessions.

Each country will send in two delegates (the club licensing manager and chairman of the club licensing committee).

The first workshop will be held on 22nd and 23rd April while the other on 25th and 26th April each with 26 participants.

Countries taking part (26 Countries, 2 participants from each country):

22nd-23rd April 2019: Botswana, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Uganda, Namibia, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Lesotho and Liberia

25th-26th April 2019: Angola, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Mozambique, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Workshop Objectives:

Provide Federations with an update on the club licensing system at the continental level
Receive a full update on the status of the club licensing system at National level
One on one meetings with Member Associations (MAs) in order to provide special attention and assist them with specific needs
Assist the MAs with near future planning, in order to have clubs ready before the deadline for engagement in the next CAF Inter Club competitions
Organize interaction group sessions between MAs to share best practices.
More about club Licensing:

Club Licensing is a tool for both the development and bench-marking of professional football clubs. Under the Club Licensing System, clubs need to comply with certain criteria to participate in FUFA/CAF/FIFA competitions.

The FUFA Club Licensing exercise makes sure that clubs are complying with the criteria before they are issued with licenses to play at the start of every season.

Entire Delegation:

CAF Officials:

Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Mokhtar Harraz – Egypt
Sidat Muhammad Feizal – Mozambique
Dasoberi Emmanuel Newton – Ghana
Bosilong Kabelo Keorapetse Hubert – South Africa
Middleby Robert David -Australia
Abubakar Salihu -Nigeria


Sebolao Vicotr Kelekwang – Bostwana
Setete James Hamza – Bostwana
Mohamed Abdelwahab Abdelwahab Mohamed Eltobgy – Egypt
Sanyang Malamin – Gambia
Touray Omar – Gambia
Mpiti Tebalo – Lesotho
Mafethe Malibuseng Mary – Lesotho
Nagbo Alex – Liberia
Bangalu Jerror Cole – Liberia
Gremida Mohamed Mhimmid Mohammed – Libya
Eswayeh Salem Ammar Salem Libya
Hoebeb Josua Andries – Namibia
Moses Ikanga – Namibia
Jibril Nasiru Sarkintudu – Nigeria
Georges Delorie Clive – Seychelles
Camille Ernesta Dolor – Seychelles
Mohamed Ali Abdi Mumino Ali Ahmed – Somalia
Nur Hassan Ahmed Seynab Mohamed Abdirahman – Somalia
Kuol Joseph Deng Chol – South Sudan
Noel Marcello Loyoro Nazario – South Sudan
Simao Jeremias Domingos Bombo – Angola
Jose Gomes Neves Diogo – Angola
Kahsaye Embaye Ghebremariam – Eritrea
Sahlemariam Tecle Kidane – Eritrea
Edwin Wamukoya Kadima – Kenya
Frankline Opimbi Ogollah – Kenya
Allan Muhome – Malawi
Casper Isaac Jangale – Malawi
Antonio Gravata Marinho – Mozambique
Rui Manule Fernandes Tadeu – Mozambique
Rebecca Dlamini Ntombifuthi – Swaziland
Ngcamphalala Elphas Mshikashika Logidela – Swaziland
Lloyd Biharagu Nchunga – Tanzania
Jonas Kiwia Elisanguo – Tanzania
Hilary Samuel Goma – Zambia
Gideon Kaumba – Zambia
Xolisani Gwesela – Zimbabwe
Piraishe Mabhena -Zimbabwe
Suleiman Suleiman Shaaban -Zanzibar
Omar Mwarab Mmad – Zanzibar


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