HomeNewsInternational Father's Day message June 21st 2020

International Father’s Day message June 21st 2020

{By Eng. Tom Isingoma Mwesiga, +256-703 072203 Whatsap, Email:tomisingoma2@gmail.com}

~Today 21st June is the *INTERNATIONAL FATHER’S DAY*

~Whether your FATHER is living or not, he did a wonderful role to bring on earth a human being that you are.

~On the side of parenting, family building and ancestry, I celebrate our FATHER’S who have been the great men of all times. Who have been the LADDERS our families and communities we have lived in to succeed? The SHIELDS to our families from hunger, poverty, destruction and all that our families suffer from when our beloved fathers die.

~On a PAN AFRIKAN and PATRIOTIC perspective, I use such a DAY to remember and celebrate the great FATHERS who have LABOURED to make our lands better places to live in.

~Those that have died DEFENDING our lands and DIGNITY of AFRIKA and AFRIKAN DESCENT.

~Those in the AFRIKAN DIASPORA that have been the VOICE and LIGHT to our SECURITY, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and PEACE as the AFRIKAN people.

~Those that have RAISED our FLAGS higher in the periods when our own CONSCIOUSNESS, SOVEREIGNTY and POWER been attacked by the IMPERIALISTS.

~It’s their day! It’s the time we should bow down and worship the GREATNESS of MEN. the men with VIRTUE, GENTLENESS, RESPONSIBILITY, HUMANITY and LOVE when it comes to DEVELOPING the areas that we live in.

~May all the FATHERS who toil to serve us be listed on our hears and memories of all time among those great men of honor that have made earth planet a better place to live in.

~Exclusively, I commend and salute my late father Tom Isingoma (RIP) who produced yet another son of Afrika Eng. Tom Isingoma Mwesiga. I am proud that I live another day as a Pan Afrikanist and Patriot just because I share the genes of the GREAT MAN who loved to be whom he was as an AFRIKAN.

Happy Father’s Day



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